Cycle 2 – Day 21

Blood testing and Doctor visit today in preparation for the start of Cycle 3 tomorrow.

For some strange reason I’m a little apprehensive about tomorrow’s chemo. Perhaps it’s that the mystery is gone after having treatments at both HSC and St. Boniface and from here on in it should be about the same. Perhaps it’s the realization about how long this will be and how much is still ahead. Perhaps it’s the way cancer, the drugs, the injections, the schedule and symptoms are always in the back of my mind if not in the forefront. I’m trying not to let this occupy all of my life but it feels like so much is on hold until this is dealt with.

I’m finding it difficult with all that’s happened so far in 2018 as well as making the adjustment into retirement to find my purpose and establish the flow and rhythm of my life that makes sense for me.

Cycle 2 – Day 14: All Good

I haven’t posted for a while and I’m feeling like I should add to the blog but in reality not too much is happening, which is a good thing.

My symptoms continue to be less and less and by that I mean I’m feeling pretty normal. Chemo side effects are minimal so it seems like future Cycles are likely to be like 1 &2, also a good thing.

I’m spending quite a bit of time at the lake both with just Shirley and I as well as lots of weekends with family and friends, more goodness.

Cycle 2 – Day 2: Sleepless in Seattle

Well, actually Sleepless in Winnipeg. I’m awake at 2am and it seems like going back to sleep is not an option and I get up at 2:45. Other than this I’m feeling fine, perhaps a very slight headache.

A good time to catch up on the Tour de France and watch Stage 4. Will Peter Segan take the win?

The peloton cruising along at 51 km/h

Cycle 2 Day 1: Back in the chair

Here is where I’ll be spending the morning at St Boniface hospital getting my cycle 2 chemo treatment. Thanks to Mandy for the ride in. It was nice to see the grandkids who were banished to the 3rd row seating because they might have been exposed to something from some other kids. Apparently, I’m supposed to be careful about things like this as getting an infection would be a  BIG deal. Better safe that sorry in this case.

Just when you think your getting the hang of the routine there is something new. The “R” drug that was a 3 hour slow IV process is now a 5 minute injection since there was no problem with reactions to the 1st round. The nurse and I chat as she squeezes in the drug subcutaneously into my stomach area. Again, no adverse reaction, so all is good.

9:40 am and the “R” (rituximab) is done. Starting to feel a little sleepy from the benadryl and it’s on with the other drugs in the CHOP-R protocol.

The rest of the procedure is as expected, and the time seems to fly by. We’re done by 11:45 and Mandy picked us up for the ride home. Cycle 4 is scheduled for July 31, 2018.

While I don’t have a lot of experience with the group interactions in the chemo therapy room, today is proving quite interesting. One of the ladies across form me is quite talkative with all the nurses and with the lady in the chair next to her. They are both in their 40s and are sharing their beast cancer experience. The most hilarious discussion so far was that she went to high school with the surgeon that did her lumpectomy. Upon meeting her surgeon pre-op she told him that when in high school he likely wanted to see her breasts and that he now has “full access” to them 😄. I think the stories will continue all morning long.

Cycle 1 – Day 20: Pre-Cycle 2 Meeting

Today is getting some blood work done to make sure I’m good to go for tomorrow’s chemo session and meet with my oncologist.

The blood work results won’t be available today and I’ll get a phone call if there are issues. However, it should be good as last Wednesday’s results for the port insertion were good and today’s results should only be better.

Drawing the blood for the testing was the 1st use of the port and everthing went well. One of the benefits of the port is that blood is taken by the Cancer Care group and you skip the normal lab lineup.

When I meet with the Dr. we discuss my status, how I’m feeling and my symptoms, which are all improving, some more that others and I’m having minimal side effects from the chemo, which is great.

In addition to my symptoms decreasing my LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) which was 549 before the first chemo treatment is now 268, which is another positive sign that the tumor is decreasing and the cancer is leaving my body. Normal range in an adult is 100-199, so a little way to go here.

Cycle 1 – Day 17: Port Insertion

Carol J. picks us up at 6:30am and we’re off to HSC for the procedure. After admitting it’s up to the 7th floor where they don’t start until 7:30, so it’s the waiting room for a while until they come and get us.

Feels like a bit of a factory as 3 of us are called in to Bed 1,2 &3 and the wonderful hospital gowns are doned. This is the staging and recovery area. Meds and an IV are given along with a verbal history. The nurse and the Dr. explain the procedure and the port device in great detail and answer any questions.

After about a 40 minute wait, it’s my turn. They wheel you to the OR and I hop up on the table. Now the serious meds are given, they shave and drap the area and the Dr is ready to go. This is the last I remember until I’m back in the recovery area. 15-20 minutes here and we’re on our way. I hit the Starbucks for a coffee and sous vide eggs as we wait for Carol J. and our ride home.

I’m feeling good, just a little achey in the right shoulder area. This should be the last non-routine adventure.

Kicking back after the insertion.

Cycle 2 starts on July 10th.

Cycle 1 – Day 15: Hair Part 2

Thanks to Des who made the hair cut an enjoyable and fun event. You are so compassionate, caring, encouraging, loving and kind and made what might have been a bit of a traumatic event into a fun family time, thanks!. And here are the photos!

The barber at work
The close-up


Cycle 1 Day 15 – Hair

Well today is the day where my hair and I have decided to part company. Actually, I didn’t agree to that but it just decided to do it all by itself. The Kojack cut is imminent. Not sure if there will be pictures right away. Perhaps after I get used to it and it’s a bit tanned.

I can’t help but noticing bald guys right now. In fact while sitting around waiting for some blood work this morning I saw a guy with a shaved head and a tan and it looked good. Hope I look that good too!

Cycle 1 Day 13 – Symptoms

The chemo is having a positive effect on the various symptoms I’ve experienced due to the tumor. The 1st thing I noticed is the shoulder pain at night when first going to sleep that has been going on since February. This was first in the left shoulder, then the right, and then across the upper back. This has now been gone for over a week.

The next one is a little weird. When swallowing my morning medications and vitamins I’d normally just down them all in one go. However, for quite some time the swallow was fine but it felt like the pills were struggling to go all the way down and it was a little uncomfortable. I’m chalking this one up to some sort of compression obstruction. For a while I was swallowing the big ones one at a time now it’s back to all at once, no problem.

The shortness of breath is also improving. I can walk up from the lake to the driveway without being totally winded and having to stop to recover, over 75 vertical feet. I just did a single flight of stairs without even thinking about it where as previously I’d notice the impact.

The coughing may be a bit better, hard to tell. Taking a really deep breath I still feel that urge to cough and sometimes a little pain. I think it’s better, but not super sure yet. Talking can still trigger coughing and sometimes my voice is still weak.

Overall, things seem to be improving which leads me to belive that the chemo is having the desired effect, a good thing!