I’m back in the outpatient clinic this morning for another in person assessment and blood work.

It’s raining here but I understand Winnipeg has snow and a cold week ahead! Just when you think winter is over there is one more surprise.
Nothing too much to report here. I’m feeling well and a bit stronger every day. No complications and we should be cleared to return home after this Friday’s meeting with the CAR-T team.
On Saturday I went for the biggest walk so far. I have an app that showed a popular trail in the area, the Joshua Creek Trail. However Google maps said the trailhead was ~1hr away. OK, lets give that a go and see what the start of the trail looks like. Once at the trailhead it was “Well, I’m here I might as well walk down it a bit to see what it’s like”. A little while later I‘m telling myself “It’s just a bit further to Lake Ontario”, all the while trying to remember I’ll have to walk all the way back!

A few pictures along the walk.
So, after the blood work results are back they have decided that I need an injection of Grastofil.
From drugs.com here is the explanation of why Grastofil for me at this time. It’s actually the third injection since I was admitted to the hospital.
“to reduce the duration of neutropenia (low levels of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell) ”
In addition, they have re-started some other medications to help prevent any infections while my immune system recovers. Apparently, this is all standard stuff for a recovering CAR-T patient.
Just one more week and we should be heading home to Winterpeg Winnipeg.