There are a couple of things looking up today!
First, this is the best I’ve felt since treatments started at HSC. I still tire quite easily with any physical exertion but other that that the body is feeling very good.
The next thing that is “up” are the numbers. Results from this mornings blood work show that the white blood cell (WBC) count has taken a big jump. From 0.6 to 4.0 which is quite close to the pre-treatment value

Also, platelets (12 -> 17) and hemoglobin (71 -> 74) are starting their upward trend as well.

The other big “looking up” thing for the day is that my tentative discharge date is set for Tuesday June 30th at noon! Super pumped to be going home!
About noon today we met with my primary Stem Cell Transplant oncologist who gave us the good news and answered all our questions about going home and any restrictions etc.
Of course, first on the list was going to the lake which he approved of as long as I don’t roll around in the dirt (blastomycosis) or go bush wacking. He recommended hanging around the city for a week to ten days to get used to being out of the hospital and acclimatized to more physical activity.
Seeing friends and family, also a yes with the current COVID guidelines.
Travel, also yes in about 3 months. We’re planning a road trip to Vancouver Island in the fall, so that works out perfectly.
Biking, also yes, starting with going around the block first and working up to longer rides as my fitness allows.
Pretty exciting day for Shirley & I. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support on the journey, especially over the last 3 weeks. Love all of you!