The system is proving to be quite efficient and I’m getting scheduled for several things while I’m here in Toronto.
This morning we spent two hours talking with our very lovely social worker who was quite caring and supportive and is available to assist both Shirley and I in several areas.
While we’re talking, I’m getting email notifications from the UHN system about some new appointments. They have a web portal that I can sign into and see most of my appointments and test results which is very cool. Far ahead of anything I’ve experienced in Manitoba.
Tomorrow is a COVID test and dental exam. Wednesday is a pulmonary function test and a echocardiogram. Thursday is the big all day T-cell collection process via apheresis. So far, nothing on Friday and then we return home late on Saturday.
The trip is going well and we’re enjoying our stay with family instead of in a downtown hotel, which is pretty much a ghost town these days as Toronto is in full lockdown.