And we’re done! Yahoo!
I’m feeling quite good with no side effects at this time. In fact, I celebrated with a 76km bike ride with my Wednesday cycling group after my treatment.
FROG is what we’ve named our group, Fast Retired Old Guys. I’m the youngster and the other two guys are 71 & 75!
To be fair the doctors and staff said that side effects could show up and “may increase to a maximum within 7-10 days following completion of treatment”. I’m telling them to not bother showing up at all 🙂
On another related topic I’ve received some additional blood work results. We were surprised in the decrease in WBC (not good, 4.7 – 11 is the normal range for the white cell count) but, in consultation with the oncologist they are “not worried” and results “can fluctuate”. I’m all for steady positive progress, but this is what it is.

At least these guys are holding steady or going in the right direction.

I probably won’t post much on the blog for a couple of weeks until after a follow-up visit (date TBD) with one of the oncologists. Thanks for reading and Happy Thanksgiving. We certainly have much to be thankful for!
76 km
Are you nuts
With this wind