Another very positive day in the way I’m feeling. It’s starting to feel like the difficult part of this journey is coming to an end. Discharge day is now in sight !
Of course the day wouldn’t be complete without something new happening and today that was a transfusion of whole blood. Hemoglobin dropped from 71 yesterday to 64 today and that crossed some threshold that says “Hey! you need blood!”.
Again a no problem procedure with no negative reactions. Being a blood donor for many years it’s interesting to be on the receiving end this time. If you can, please consider donating, you will be saving a life.
Hospital food is getting harder and harder to handle. I think the treatments have made me quite sensitive to some smells and tastes. So, things that used to be sort of OK are now yuck. Thankfully, Shirley delivered another great lunch of homemade chicken noodle soup and a salmon salad sandwich which were awesome.

Great visit with Shirley in the morning and Pastor Ernest in the afternoon. Also, a good discussion with the Doctor who answered all my questions about the test results and why some of my vital signs are what they are right now. Short answer is that it’s all normal stuff to be expected at this stage in the process and the blood work numbers should start to rebound in the next couple of days. The hair will take longer. 😉