The last number of posts have certainly been medically heavy so I think I’ll switch it up a bit for a day or two since the medications are identical for Days -5 to -2. For a brief status update I’m feeling good and my weight is up quite a bit due to the hyper-hydration they have me on, a 24 hour x7 days saline solution.
Thankfully, the hospital visitation rules have eased up somewhat and I’m allowed a visitor! Guess who? My angel of mercy, love of my life, Starbucks connection and home cooking!

Each day Shirley has driven to the hospital mid-morning, navigated the parking system, picked up Starbucks, passed through two different screening processes all to hang out with me and make my day so much brighter! After a coffee and some catch-up chat we share what we’re calling a “picnic lunch” which is a combination of home cooking and stuff I can select from the hospital food cart.

Thanks honey for supporting me so well on this journey, love you! 😍
My window view is of several other hospital building, some of which are quite new and still being completed on the inside. Nothing too interesting until yesterday when I spot two guy on the roof wandering around with full climbing harnesses and a bunch of ropes. Next thing I know one of them is going over the edge!

I’ve seen this done a couple of times but it always makes me feel a bit queasy when they first go over the edge and get settled into the bosuns chair. Well, they are washing the windows.

This morning one of the devotions I’m doing was based around Exodus 15:26 where the end of the verse is “I am the LORD who heals you.” or Jehovah- Rapha, a compound name of God combining the personal name and a word referring to healing; hence “the Lord who heals”. After reading this I thought I need to be reminded of this a lot right now so I did a little graffiti art. 😉