The Build

Work in progress…

In 1982 my Dad decided it was time to build. He announced this by driving over to our house in a new pickup truck and indicated that we’d use the truck during construction and sleep in it while we built. Thankfully, we never slept in the back of the truck although it did have a truck cap, with screened opening windows. It probably would have been “OK”, sort of, for a short time.

However, the accommodations turned out to be much more “deluxe” that the back of a 1/2 ton truck. Somehow, my dad knew guy with a motorhome and was able to borrow (?) it for the summer. Not the most modern motorhome, but 26′ of pretty luxurious accommodations.


Whenever the motorhome was a little too busy with other workers like Fred, Charlie and others I was able to bug out into my own private accommodations, a 9×12 Woods tent.


I miss that tent, we did a lot of camping back in the day and then lent it to a friend and never say the tent or the friend again.

In about 6 weeks we went from a clearing


To a two story, 2,000 sq ft framed in cottage.
