Squirrel Piss

When I was younger I had a summer job at Furby Motors. The owner, Ken Main, was also a cottage owner on Bretton Lake where I spent may great summers growing up. Between working the summer job and hanging out with his family at the lake we became pretty good friends. One day at work Read More …

Bus Rider

I know a lot of people ride the bus, but not me, not until yesterday that is. I’ve been thinking a lot about the cost of operating a vehicle lately and when you add up the payments, insurance, parking, and repairs it’s an amazing amount per month. So, yesterday was the start of my bus Read More …


I thought I’d planned well for the trip as far as what temperatures we’d experience but I think I payed too much attention to the daytime highs and ignored the overnight lows and the effects of altitude. Night time temperatures can be a little important when your camping in a tent trailer. At the Loveland Read More …

1 to 21

All in one day we went from a rainy morning to 1° with snow at 11,000 ft to 21° and a sunny afternoon to sitting around a camp fire in t-shirts at 9pm. What a day! We’ve crossed the Rockies, seen the Colorado National Monument and driven Scenic Route 128 along the Colorado River into Read More …