Who is like the Lord?
Who is like the Lord Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns.
Latin (tem-pu̇s-ˈfü-git): Time Flies
Stuff about stuff
Who is like the Lord Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns.
I’ve thought this for some time now. We (the world) can’t get to clean energy in the short term ( before 2035 or 2050) without nuclear. Check it out. Existing reactors are now having their life extended and shutdowns have been reversed. The exciting nuclear future is in Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). Not your grandfathers Read More …
I use the YouVersion Bible app to guide my bible reading and every day it presents a Verse of the Day. Today’s Verse of the Day, on the day I’m having my angiogram, is Psalm 73:26. Then the YouVersion Bible app “randomly” brings up a prayer request from my list entitled “Chest Pain” that started Read More …
And they want to elect this guy!
The first time for me that the Social Media and Canada’s “disagreement” has been in my face. Just one of the impacts of Bill C-18, or the Online News Act This is especially interesting as The Walrus is a Canadian news outlet! Why You Might Stop Seeing Canadian News in Your Feeds Another interesting fact Read More …
What is your mission? So, somebody started “bloganuary” a series of prompts to encourage blogging and here is the first one I’ve seen. A simple question “What is your mission?” Do I have a mission, should I have one? What would it be? It’s a pretty big and open question for sure. Perhaps right now Read More …
What makes you happy? Well, maybe not “happy” but some other kind of feeling like content, secure, mellow or perhaps it is some form of happy, This is a bit of an unusual “happy” but it’s these knives. I’ve had these two knives for quite a long time, I don’t exactly know how long but Read More …
Snoopy & Woodstock! These photos really don’t do justice to the very clever animations. They made me laugh every time.
After a nice liverwerst on a cheese bun at around 11:30am and then ignoring the hospital tray there was a nap until 2pm. Now what? Apple WatchOS 10 has many new features. One that makes me laugh everytime I see it. There is a different animation every time.