God is my help

God, I am so grateful I can look to You in times of trouble. Thank You for being my constant help during challenging times. When I don’t know what to do, I ask You to guide me and fill me with Your peace and wisdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


The biggest advantage new variants have on us is our behaviour. The real Kraken is no longer the virus – it’s our monstrous level of indifference to the pandemic’s ongoing, and inequitable, carnage. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-the-covid-kraken-has-been-released-but-its-not-a-variant-its-our/


Whatever turmoil or confusion you’re walking into today, remember that Jesus is in control of your chaos. And more than that, he’s calling you to get on top of the chaos with him.  From: Follow The Rabbi: Day 3 • Devotional

Things they don’t tell you

You know, those “things” that you discover by experience that “somebody” could have told you about, given you a heads up, perhaps a subtle hint or something rather that discovering it cold turkey. Many of these “things” seem to be age related. As you get older have you ever found yourself thinking “I wish somebody Read More …