I’ve thought this for some time now. We (the world) can’t get to clean energy in the short term ( before 2035 or 2050) without nuclear.
Check it out. Existing reactors are now having their life extended and shutdowns have been reversed.
The exciting nuclear future is in Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). Not your grandfathers nuclear power plant.
Investing? From the TLDR newsletter...
Nuclear power is (excuse the pun) hot, as nations shift away from natural gas and coal. The result? Uranium prices rose 40% this year to their highest level in more than a decade. Canada stands to benefit; it produces 13% of the world’s yellowcake, the stuff used to power reactors. The stock price of one yellowcake producer, Cameco ($CCO), has already climbed by more than 70% this year.
Everyone needs to get over the fears they have based on a few accidents where the deaths and dangers were very much exaggerated. Benefits far our weigh dangers.