People want to know

I’m not sure why they want to know, but there must be a good reason. Perhaps it’s helpful to express your emotions about the loss of a beloved pet. How My Hamster Died gives you that opportunity to release your inner emotional baggage regarding your hamster’s demise. There are some touching stories plus it’s a great little site that Eric created.

Growing up I was never allowed furry pets due to allergies, or at least that the story my parents gave, but we did have fish. There is a lot less emotional attachment to fish. When you get tired of them they get flushed. I was told we were releasing them back into the ocean. The things you can get away with as a parent.

How My Hamster Died – Page 1

At the young age of 6…. I would watch my little buddy, “Tree” run on his wheel. Day after day, he would run happily, until one fateful morning! As the sun was shining and he was going for his morning jog, his little paw got caught on the wheel. It violently flipped him around and broke him little neck!! He let a small sweak and passed over to the other side. I was devistated (as any 6 year old would be) and my mom tried to comfort me by replacing “Tree” with a new hamster….. It was never the same……:(

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