More Photos

This year I think I’ll take more photographs. One reason is that I’d just like to improve my skills and capture more of life and the other is the sweet new Olympus 790SW that I received for my birthday. Most days, as I leave the house, I’ll slip the camera in my pocket. It’s just so compact that having the camera with you at all times is so convenient. This I believe is Step #1 to working on my photograph – always having a camera at the ready.

Here is a case in point. I was out for a walk yesterday and of course I had the camera in my pocket. I must admit I set out with the idea of taking some pictures on the walk, which I did. But as I returned to the house, down the side of the bay that I normally never travel on, I noticed a huge ramp in a neighbors back yard. The surprising thing was that these folks live across the street from us and I had no idea about this ramp until yesterday.

Back Yard Snowboarder
Originally uploaded by Big Dadoo

Two young guys were working the ramp and this guy was honing his boarding skills. After I took the photo and was walking by I heard him say to the other guy that he was going to try a 360° next. Perhaps I should have hung around to see that!

Anyway, without the camera readily at hand and the mindset to take some new pics, this opportunity would have been lost, and only lived on as a brief memory.

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