The third place

I came across the term “third place” while reading a blog today, and got inquisitive. I’d never heard this one before so a few searches later and I turn up this article. – Working out of a ‘third place’

An estimated 30 million Americans, or roughly one-fifth of the nation’s workforce, are part of the so-called Kinko’s generation, employees who spend significant hours each month working outside of a traditional office.

While some don’t trust wikipedia as a credible source of information I found this definition to be quite helpful. Being a mobile worker and working both in an office and from my home I can really relate to this concept. Too many days in the office and I’m wishing I was working from home. Too many days working alone at home and I wish I was at the office. So, it seems I need something in between, a third place.

After a couple of days at home working, I find myself taking some reading or the laptop and heading out to a Starbucks or some place with free Internet access, like Le Garage Cafe on Provencher Blvd. Not so much to interact with other people, but to be in the presence of other people, with a possibility of interaction, if I choose, or if it just happens. Humans are complex eh?

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